“For the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ.” Ephesians 4:12
Planning a visit?
Children's Sunday School • 9:00 AM
Adult & Teen Sunday School • 9:00 AM
Sunday Morning Worship • 10:30 AM
Navigating your first visit.
Every Sunday morning we gather as a church to worship our risen Savior through congregational singing, corporate prayer, the preaching of God’s Word, and fellowship. Our corporate worship service begins at 10:30am and is open to all. You can’t miss our parking lot which is adjacent to our building – you should have no problem finding a spot. Our service usually ends sometime around noon.
As a church, we are a group of sinful, yet redeemed Christians who rejoice in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Together we desire to let the Word of God impact every area of our corporate life as a congregation. On Sundays, we gather to worship our Savior and to be built up in the faith. We aim for our worship services to be a mixture of a traditional reverential worship service and a warm gathering of friends. As the pastor of the church, I tend to dress formally (e.g., coat and tie) as an expression of the reverence we give to the responsibilities of preaching and handling God’s Word. But, we hope that this in no way would prevent anyone from attending! Please dress as formally or informally as you would like and we’ll be glad that you are with us!
As for the sermon itself, we are committed to the practice of expository preaching. By this, we mean that we make it our normal practice to sequentially preach through books of the Bible, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse, taking an average of 5-10 verses per sermon. It is the goal of the sermon to clearly convey what God has revealed in His inerrant Word in a way that can be understood and appropriated into our lives as Christ-followers.
We are also committed to singing in such a way that brings glory to our heavenly Father as well as encourages those around us. In Colossians 3, we believe that we find a fundamental purpose for our singing – we are to teach and admonish one another through “songs, and hymns, and spiritual songs” (Col 3:16; cf. Eph 5:18). Therefore, we desire to sing together in ways that encourage one another with the truth of God’s Word.
We also want you to know that we would love to have your whole family join us! During our corporate worship service, we have two separate ministries to care for your little ones. For infants to 2 year-olds, we have a traditional nursery. For 3-5 year-olds, Little Trainers provides a supervised training time consisting of play and learning to listen to the sermon via live stream. While we know that this may not be the normal practice in our culture, we desire to have children join us in the corporate worship service as soon as they are able. We are committed to “bring up our children in the fear and admonition of the Lord” (Eph 6:4), and one of the ways that we accomplish that is by training, modeling, and teaching our children the value of participating in the corporate worship gathering. (As the father of four children, I can testify that having your children in the worship service can be difficult for many reasons. So feel free to bring coloring books, notepads, or whatever helps them sit through the service. If your child gets a little loud, which they all do from time to time, please know that you are not offending the rest of us – we are glad that little hearts are hearing and seeing God’s people in submission to God’s Word.) Although we encourage children to join us in the worship gathering, we also prioritize age-specific teaching of God’s Word. This brings us to an important aspect of our Sunday mornings that I have yet to mention… Sunday School!
Sunday School is for all ages and begins at 9am. We have different classes according to age, including various classes for our youth and an adult Sunday School class. We highly encourage all of our church family, adults included, to attend the Sunday School to enjoy the fellowship and equipping that the hour affords. If you’re planning a visit, I’d encourage you to get the most out of the morning by joining us for Sunday School. After Sunday School from 10 to 10:30am we have a built-in half an hour of fellowship.
On the first Sunday of the month, along with observing the Lord’s Supper during the worship gathering, we enjoy a fellowship meal together after our service ends. This is a great time for our Body to just be together and engage in biblical fellowship. If you happen to visit on one of those Sundays, we hope that you will stay and join us for lunch!
A note from Pastor Joe
If you have any questions about any of the above, or anything else, please catch me on a Sunday morning, or send me an email – joe@vbcmt.org.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Joe