Ministries of VBC
Growing together in Christ
One of the goals at Valley Bible Church is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. Whether you are searching for a church home, new to the faith, or a mature Christian, we have ministries designed to meet your needs.
Women's Ministry
The mission of the Women’s Ministry is to meet the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of women of various backgrounds and ages. It is designed to focus on both outreach and edification though fellowship and in-depth study of the Word of God.
Men's Ministry
The mission of the Men’s Ministry is to bring men to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and to equip and mature them into active ministry within the membership. Together they can edify the name of the Lord in worship and service as they role model Christ to the Body.
Children's Ministry
The mission for our Children’s Ministry is to give each child a solid biblical foundation through the teaching and application of God’s Word so that each one may come to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and carry that faith into their teen years.
Youth Ministry
The Youth Ministry, designed for Junior High and High School students, is geared to come alongside parents in grounding these students in a solid doctrinal foundation of the Truth of the Word. With the pressure in today’s world specifically on youth in the world, they need to be equipped regularly to live their lives for something bigger than themselves.
Missions & Outreach
Our Missions program is based on the belief that Jesus Christ has commissioned every believer to share the love of God in word and deed with the entire world. “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19. This ministry educates and informs the congregation of prayer requests as well as the tangible needs of the missionaries we support.
Care Ministry
The mission of the Care Ministry is to mobilize the Body into unified and effective action in extending grace and mercy in tangible ways to those in need. This can encompass prayer, meals, visitation, shepherding and financial assistance for those who are facing difficult times.